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Product Code: 1242685

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Medi Soak from Premier Research Labs is a gentle, detoxifying Electrolyte for a foot or full body bath.

The Medi-Soak provides extraordinary, body-wide replacement and restoration of key natural-source electrolytes and other minerals, often compromised by medical drugs, a mineral-deficient diet, extreme stress, chemical exposure, lack of sleep, chronic illness and many other factors. The Medi-Soak is typically used as a foot bath for approximately 20 minutes in warm water, which can gently detoxify the entire body via its maximum cation exchange capacity from its multiple,highly ionized natural sea mineral sources. When the feet are immersed in the Medi-Soak solution, a remarkable ion exchange occurs. Nutritive minerals are taken up through the many sensitive acupressure areas of the feet into systemic circulation and simultaneously, there is a gentle exchange of toxic compounds that are liberated into the water from the body. The Medi-Soak can be used effectively and without concern for side effects, even for the chronically compromised and elderly – all the way to the competition athlete. To feel immediately refreshed after a long day, many people enjoy the soothing effect of the Medi-Soak foot bath. If preferred, the Medi-SoakTM may be used as a whole body bath as well with outstanding success. Recommended Use: Foot Bath: Adults or children (age 1 and up): place 1 cup of Medi-Soak in a plastic (nonmetallic) container wide enough to place your feet. Add 8 cups of warm water to the container. (This 8:1 ratio of water to Medi-Soak ingredients allows the best ionic exchange of toxins). After adding the water to the Medi-Soak ingredients, use your hand to briefly swish the ingredients around in the water. Although some of the crystals will dissolve, it is not necessary for all of them to dissolve. Some whole crystals help to create a strong piezo-electric effect in the water during the foot bath for greater release of toxins. Soak feet for 10 to 20 minutes. Then towel-dry feet. Discard bath water down the drain (do not re-use). For best results,after the bath, spend 5 to 10 minutes outside (or more) to receive beneficial solar radiation. Whole Body Bath. Adults or children: add 2 cups of Medi-Soak to your bath water. Swish the contents around in the water to dissolve some of the crystals. Soak in bath for 10 to 20 minutes. Towel-dry your body. Drain bath water through tub drain. For best results, after the bath, spend 5 to 10minutes outside (or more) to receive beneficial solar radiation. Other Body Areas: You may repeat the procedure above to detoxify other body areas, such as the hands, the elbows, etc.

The Medi Soak is safe for any age group.

The Medi-Soak is also a critical component of the revolutionary Medi-Body Pack system (i.e. the use of ancient “mud pack” therapy” using moor mud, shilajit, volcanic clays and other synergists) to permanently reestablish the healthy bio-energetic flow through previously traumatized areas of the body, such as scar tissue which has been shown by research to have the capacity to send abnormal reflex signals to other parts of the body to disrupt its physiology.

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